

Allah had mentioned in the Quran,
"And Remind for verily a reminder benefits the believer"(51:55)

Take the time to contemplate upon this beautiful statement..


that's what we shoul do as a muslim. What ever little knowledge that we have, if we find it beneficial to others, then SHARE w them.

dont ever think that ur way toooo ignorant and dont deserve to preach others.

Alhamdulillah Allah has guided my heart from my jahilliyah moments to where im standing now.

Alhamdulillah for every second of it. Alhamdulillah for every step closer to Him

I love to remind people and to myself as well that it is so outrageously beaitiful when connecting urself w Him. Leaning closer to Him. Subhanallah.

He knows everything about u.
He knows ur heart
He knows what u dont know..

how can we still deny that?

And the devastating part is, how can people absurdly make fun of those who are trying to become better??

Dude, not cool at all.

People are trying to change, struggling their ass off to becoming a better muslim, yet u shut them off. that is so rude abd disturbing.

At least have some respect for those  who are trying.  Allah touched theit hearts so dont mess w that. Be more encouraging and happy for them.

We live as muslims and islam loves peace. Spread ur words with love and respect.

Help our brothers and sisters in islam who are sstill astray from Allah,

who still doesnt care
Who are still occupied w their dunya.

who still believes that they will live for a hundred more years, thus delaying their repentance.

who are still arrogant andNot seeking for Allah's love.

And those who are still..
Forgetting Allah.
forgetting rasulullah
forgetting islam
