
glory of eid

 "Ya Allah, terimalah segala amalan kami di bulan ramadhan ini. Kau ampunkanlah dosa2 kami, kau terimalah taubat kami. Kau jgnlah jadikan ramadhan ini ramadhan terakhir bagi kami ya Allah"

Farewell ramadhan, till we meet again in sya Allah....

Oh ramadhan! The holy month where muslims from all over the world unite to submit themselves to Allah. Subhanallah.

Performing tarawih n tahajjjud despite their fatigue after working during the day. Masha allah,,

falling in love w the quran, reciting it. Trying to understand the meanings behind every word from Allah,,

That's what we did.

Allahu akbar. Thank u Allah For giving us the chance to benefit this ramdhan wholeheartedly.

we've sinned o Allah. We seek forgiveness from u.

Can we still be as steadfast now as we were during ramadhan? Some people tend to just forget what they've accomplished in that 30days the moment the sound of takbir is heard.

Yes, They tend to..
Stop praying congregationally
Stopreciting the quran
Stop performing tahajjud.

O Allah, dont take everything uve given to us. Dont take our hearts.

I admit that its hard to stay as steadfast as before because in ramadhan, everyone's doing the same thing. Fasting. Rexiting d quran,  seeking laylatul qadr.

but that's not an excuse. If we want Allah's love, we have to try harder.

Our purpose of life is none other than seeking Allah's pleasure. preparing ourselves for the hereafter.

The thing is, Remember Allah in everything we do.
allahu akbar
